Spring salad with cauliflower, spinach pesto & pumpkin seeds

The little flowers reinvest the lawns, the trees regain their colors, the birds sing the song again... That's it, spring is here. During the cool season, toxins have piled up in the body and Morpheus no longer wants to leave us. Spring cleaning is in order. To sweep and restore radiance to our health, what could be better than an Ayurvedic detox! Ayurveda is a traditional Indian medicine that rebalances the body, mind, body, emotions and mind. This energy cure is timely since the stalls are overflowing with healthy fresh fruits and vegetables. Here, the cauliflower stimulates the immune system while the spinach promotes transit. A simple recipe that would make Popeye green with envy. And to drain the body, Shoti Maa infusions come as a backup. This organic brand rooted in the Ayurvedic branch soaks our cups of well-being.


For 4 people 

  • 100g spinach
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame puree (tahini)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 3 cl of water
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 1 cauliflower
  • 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds

    Preparation: 10 mins
    Cooking: 15 mins

    1. Blend the spinach, garlic powder, sesame puree, lemon juice and water. Adjust seasoning with salt. The texture should be quite runny.

    2. Remove cauliflower leaves and cut into small florets. Plunge them into a pot of boiling water. Let cook for 15 minutes. Then drain.

    3. Dip the cauliflowers in the spinach pesto and arrange them in a deep plate. Sprinkle with pumpkin seeds. Add color with different varieties of radishes. Serve with an Ayurvedic organic Shoti Maa infusion!

    Author of the recipe: Marie-Laure Tombini

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